Communities in QMRO
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Items awaiting review before inclusion in QMRO
Publications and Projects Relating to Professional Services
Publications on Libraries and Information Science
Documents and other outputs from the QM Open Access Transition Project
Queen Mary University Publications Supported by Library Services
A digital collection of interviews generated by the History of Modern Biomedicine Research Group (2016-2017)
The Queen Mary Law Journal (QMLJ) is a peer-reviewed legal periodical, edited by PhD students in the School of Law, Queen Mary University of London.
The Transnational Commercial Law Review (ISSN 2515-3838) is an online fully open-access peer-reviewed journal with a distinguished editorial board. It is an in-house publication of the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS) and is dedicated to publishing academic research and commentary of the highest quality in terms of originality and rigour.
The Queen Mary Undergraduate Literary Journal
Theses Awarded by Queen Mary University of London
Series of seven Podcasts
Technical Reports of the Department of Computer Science for the years 2000 - 2008
Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Research Reports from 2009 onwards
The Queen Mary Undergraduate Literary Journal
A digital collection of interviews generated by the History of Modern Biomedicine Research Group (2016-2017)
A photo collection of Witness Seminar participants generated by the History of Modern Biomedicine Research Group (2017)
A 3-volume book-series published by the History of Modern Biomedicine Research Group (2017)
An 18-volume book-series (2013-2017)
A 45-volume book-series (1997-2013); continues as "Wellcome Witnesses to Contemporary Medicine"