History of Modern Biomedicine Interviews (Digital Collection)
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The History of Modern Biomedicine Research Group originated as the Wellcome Trust's "History of Twentieth Century Medicine Group", set up in 1990 to develop and strengthen links between members of the biomedical research community and medical historians, and to promote and facilitate the study of the history of twentieth-century medicine and medical science by encouraging the creation and deposit of material sources for use by present and future historians.
The current digital collection compiles the interviews generated by the Group, and has been curated by Professor Tilli Tansey, Mr Adam Wilkinson, Mr Alan Yabsley and Dr Apostolos Zarros. The material in it has been linked to Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) and is citable (for more details, please consult the "How to cite" files of each entry).
The History of Modern Biomedicine Research Group is funded by the Wellcome Trust, which is a registered charity (no. 210183).
Contents (last update: 27-Jun-2017):
--- total entries: 93
--- total files: 696
--- audio interview transcript files: 46
--- video interview transcript files: 47
--- video interview media files: 603
Note: The "History of Modern Biomedicine Interviews (Digital Collection)" contains three types of files: (a) audio interview transcripts (.pdf files), (b) video interview transcripts (.pdf files), and (c) video interview media files (.mp4 files; video clips corresponding to the Video Interview Transcripts archived). In addition, it contains "How to cite" files (.docx files; guides on how to cite each of the aforementioned sources). Video interview transcripts are edited only for clarity and factual accuracy, and follow the principles of oral history methodology. However, audio interview transcripts are in most cases subject to enrichment by the interviewee and further editing. Related material has been deposited in the Wellcome Library.
Please cite as: Tansey E M, Wilkinson A, Yabsley A, Zarros A. (curators) (2016-2017) History of Modern Biomedicine Interviews (Digital Collection). In: Queen Mary Research Online. London: Queen Mary University of London.
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History of Modern Biomedicine Interviews (Digital Collection)
The History of Modern Biomedicine Research Group originated as the Wellcome Trust's "History of Twentieth Century Medicine Group", set up in 1990 to develop and strengthen links between members of the biomedical research ...