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Soviet Journalists at Nuremberg: Establishing the Soviet War Narrative
(Bloomsbury Academic, 2019) -
"Chto-nibud' ot bezdel'ya na dosuge": publitsistika i vopros o svobodnom vremeni v dvoryanskoy srede vtoroy poloviny XVIII – nachala XIX vv.
(Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2017-12) -
Dostoevskii's 'the meek one' (Krotkaia) in the context of goethe's faust and tropes of time
(2017-04-01)This article focuses on the complex relationship between two texts: a short povest'-'The Meek One' by Dostoevskii from A Writer's Diary-and a tragedy of archetypes, which Goethe took most of his life to complete, Faust. ... -
Kul´t lichnosti v fil´makh Mikhaila Romma
(2018-10-08) -
Actually-Existing Success: Economics, Aesthetics and the Specificity of (Still-)Socialist Urbanism
(Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2018-10-01) -
Political Economy, Civic Virtue, and the Subjective World of the Elite, 1780-1825
(Wiley, 2018-01-02) -
А.С.Суворин в дневниках С.И.Смирновой-Сазоновой (Часть 2)
(Новое Литературное обозрение, 2015-01-15)The article (Part 2) is based on the impressive collection of previously unpublished diaries (69 notebooks, 32 973 pages) of Sofia Smirnova- Sazonova, writer and journalist (1852—1921). The diaries are kept in the Manuscript ... -
‘“Soul Destroyers” – Soviet Journalism on the Krasnodar and Kharkov trials,’
(Wiley Online, 2013-10-07)The Soviet war crimes trials at Krasnodar, in July 1943, and Khar′kov, in December 1943, are rarely considered, or thought to contribute to understanding of the Holocaust. This article argues that, despite their propagandist ... -
‘Pervaia kniga A. S. Suvorina’.
(Kniga: Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2010) -
‘«Baby s p'esami»: V razvitie nekotorykh siuzhetov knigi D. Rayfielda Zhizn' Antona Chekhova’
(Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Stanford University, 2012) -
‘«Zhenskii vopros eshche ne voshel v obshchestvennoe soznanie…»: Problemy 'emansipatsii v rannei zhurnalistike A. S. Suvorina’
(Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011)