Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • How many samples are needed to infer truly clonal mutations from heterogenous tumours? 

      Opasic, L; Zhou, D; Werner, B; Dingli, D; Traulsen, A (2019-04-29)
      BACKGROUND: Modern cancer treatment strategies aim to target tumour specific genetic (or epigenetic) alterations. Treatment response improves if these alterations are clonal, i.e. present in all cancer cells within tumours. ...
    • Mutation divergence over space in tumour expansion. 

      Li, H; Yang, Z; Tu, F; Deng, L; Han, Y; Fu, X; Wang, L; Gu, D; Werner, B; Huang, W (2023-11)
      Mutation accumulation in tumour evolution is one major cause of intra-tumour heterogeneity (ITH), which often leads to drug resistance during treatment. Previous studies with multi-region sequencing have shown that mutation ...