Now showing items 31-40 of 588
Increased frequency of circulating IL-21 producing Th-cells in patients with granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA).
INTRODUCTION: The present study aimed to explore a possible role for IL-21 producing Th-cells in the immunopathogenesis of granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA). METHODS: Peripheral blood from 42 GPA patients in remission ...
Implementation of a nurse-led behaviour change intervention to support medication taking in type 2 diabetes: beyond hypothesised active ingredients (SAMS Consultation Study).Implementation of a nurse-led behaviour change intervention to support medication taking in type 2 diabetes: beyond hypothesised active ingredients (SAMS Consultation Study).
BACKGROUND: Implementation of trial interventions is rarely assessed, despite its effects on findings. We assessed the implementation of a nurse-led intervention to facilitate medication adherence in type 2 diabetes (SAMS) ...
Relationship between human intestinal dendritic cells, gut microbiota, and disease activity in Crohn's disease.
BACKGROUND: Altered intestinal dendritic cell (DC) function underlies dysregulated T-cell responses to bacteria in Crohn's disease (CD) but it is unclear whether composition of the intestinal microbiota impacts local DC ...
Hepatic safety of maraviroc in HIV-1-infected patients with hepatitis C and/or B co-infection. The Maraviroc Cohort Spanish Group.
INTRODUCTION: Limited data is available regarding the hepatic safety of maraviroc in patients co-infected with HIV and HCV and/or HBV. Our objective was to compare the hepatic safety profile and fibrosis progression in ...
Specialist nurses' perceptions of inviting patients to participate in clinical research studies: a qualitative descriptive study of barriers and facilitators.
BACKGROUND: Increasing the number of patients participating in research studies is a current priority in the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom. The role of specialist nurses in inviting patients to ...
Eye-movement strategies in developmental prosopagnosia and "super" face recognition.
Developmental prosopagnosia (DP) is a cognitive condition characterized by a severe deficit in face recognition. Few investigations have examined whether impairments at the early stages of processing may underpin the ...
Movement cues aid face recognition in developmental prosopagnosia.
OBJECTIVE: Seeing a face in motion can improve face recognition in the general population, and studies of face matching indicate that people with face recognition difficulties (developmental prosopagnosia; DP) may be able ...
The movement advantage in famous and unfamiliar faces: a comparison of point-light displays and shape-normalised avatar stimuli.
Facial movement may provide cues to identity, by supporting the extraction of face shape information via structure-from-motion, or via characteristic patterns of movement. Currently, it is unclear whether familiar and ...
Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial: Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness of a System of Longer-Term Stroke Care.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: We developed a new postdischarge system of care comprising a structured assessment covering longer-term problems experienced by patients with stroke and their carers, linked to evidence-based treatment ...
Economic evaluation of a rehabilitation program integrating exercise, self-management, and active coping strategies for chronic knee pain.
OBJECTIVE: To conduct an economic evaluation of the Enabling Self-Management and Coping with Arthritic Knee Pain through Exercise (ESCAPE-knee pain) program. METHODS: Alongside a clinical trial, we estimated the costs of ...