We report the results of a neutron powder diffraction study of the phase transitions in deuterated methylammonium lead iodide, with a focus on the system of orientational distortions of the framework of PbI6 octahedra. The results are analysed in terms of symmetry-adapted lattice strains and normal mode distortions. The higher-temperature cubic–tetragonal phase transition at 327 K is weakly discontinuous and nearly tricritical. The variations of rotation angles and spontaneous strains with temperature are consistent with a standard Landau theory treatment. The lower-temperature transition to the orthorhombic phase at 165 K is discontinuous, with two systems of octahedral rotations and internal distortions that together can be described by 5 order parameters of different symmetry. In this paper we quantify the various symmetry-breaking distortions and their variation with temperature, together with their relationship to the spontaneous strains, within the formalism of Landau theory. A number of curious results in the low-temperature phase are identified, particularly regarding distortion amplitudes that decrease rather than increase with lowering temperature.
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