Model based 3D vision synthesis and analysis for production audit of installations.
One of the challenging problems in the aerospace industry is to design
an automated 3D vision system that can sense the installation components
in an assembly environment and check certain safety constraints
are duly respected. This thesis describes a concept application to aid
a safety engineer to perform an audit of a production aircraft against
safety driven installation requirements such as segregation, proximity,
orientation and trajectory. The capability is achieved using the
following steps. The initial step is to perform image capture of a
product and measurement of distance between datum points within
the product with/without reference to a planar surface. This provides
the safety engineer a means to perform measurements on a set of captured
images of the equipment they are interested in. The next step is
to reconstruct the digital model of fabricated product by using multiple
captured images to reposition parts according to the actual model.
Then, the projection onto the 3D digital reconstruction of the safety
related installation constraints, respecting the original intent of the
constraints that are defined in the digital mock up is done. The differences
between the 3D reconstruction of the actual product and the
design time digital mockup of the product are identified. Finally, the
differences/non conformances that have a relevance to safety driven
installation requirements with reference to the original safety requirement
intent are identified. The above steps together give the safety engineer
the ability to overlay a digital reconstruction that should be as
true to the fabricated product as possible so that they can see how the
product conforms or doesn't conform to the safety driven installation
requirements. The work has produced a concept demonstrator that
will be further developed in future work to address accuracy, work flow
and process efficiency. A new depth based segmentation technique
GrabcutD which is an improvement to existing Grabcut, a graph cut
based segmentation method is proposed. Conventional Grabcut relies
only on color information to achieve segmentation. However, in stereo
or multiview analysis, there is additional information that could be
also used to improve segmentation. Clearly, depth based approaches
bear the potential discriminative power of ascertaining whether the
object is nearer of farer. We show the usefulness of the approach when
stereo information is available and evaluate it using standard datasets
against state of the art result.
Vaiapury, KarthikeyanCollections
- Theses [4275]