Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • Abstraction and Common Classroom Activities 

      Waite, JL; Curzon, P; Marsh, D; Sentance, S; WiPSCE 2016 11th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education
      In popularizing computational thinking, Wing notes that ‘abstraction is described as underlying computational thinking and computational thinking is described as fundamental to computing.’ Emerging curricular now require ...
    • Abstraction in action: K-5 teachers' uses of levels of abstraction, particularly the design level, in teaching programming 

      Waite, JL; CURZON, P; MARSH, D; Sentance, S; Hawden-Bennett, A (2018-01-31)
      Research indicates that understanding levels of abstraction (LOA) and being able to move between the levels is essential to programming success. For K-5 contexts LOA levels have been named: problem, design, code and running ...
    • Computational Thinking 

      CURZON, P; Bell, T; Waite, JL; DORLING, M (Cambridge University Press, 2019-02-21)
      In 2009, Godfrey and Hadgraft declared that engineering education research was “coming of age.” That is, it was reaching a state of maturity. Similarly, with the publication of this Handbook, we authors declare that computing ...
    • Integrating the Constructionist Learning Theory with Computational Thinking Classroom Activities 

      Waite, JL; CSIZMADIA, A; STANDL, B (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, 2019)
      In computer science education at school, computational thinking has been an emerging topic over the last decade. Even though, computational thinking is interpreted and integrated in classrooms in different ways, an ...
    • K-5 Teachers' Uses of Levels of Abstraction Focusing on Design 

      Waite, JL; curzon, P; marsh, D; Sentance, S; WiPSCE 2017 (2017-11-09)
      Recent research with middle school and university students highlights two factors that contribute to programming success: 1) understanding the level of abstraction that you are working at, and 2) being able to move between ...
    • Teaching computer programming with PRIMM: a sociocultural perspective 

      Waite, JL; Sentance, S; Kalia, M (Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2019)
      Background and Context: With computing now becoming a mandatory subject in school in many countries, there is a need for clearly defined pedagogical strategies to support all learners; this is particularly pertinent when ...
    • Unplugged Computing and Semantic Waves: Analysing Crazy Characters 

      Waite, JL; Maton, K; Curzon, P; Tuttiett, L; The UK and Ireland Computing Education Research Conference (The UK and Ireland Computing Education Research Conference, 2019)
      We explore how Legitimation Code Theory, and, in particular, semantic waves, provides a useful way to understand what makes unplugged computing activities eff ective (or not) in the classroom. We overview the theory, discuss ...
    • Unplugged Computing and Semantic Waves: Analysing Crazy Characters 

      Waite, JL; Curzon, P; Maton, K; Tuttiett, L; The UK and Ireland Computing Education Research Conference (ACM, Inc, 2019-09-05)
      We explore how Legitimation Code Theory, and, in particular, se- mantic waves, provides a useful way to understand what makes unplugged computing activities eff ective (or not) in the classroom. We overview the theory, ...
    • Unplugged Computing and Semantic Waves: Analysing Crazy Characters 

      Waite, JL; Maton, K; Curzon, P; Tuttiett, L; The UK and Ireland Computing Education Research Conference (2019-09-05)
      We explore how Legitimation Code Theory, and, in particular, semantic waves, provides a useful way to understand what makes unplugged computing activities eff ective (or not) in the classroom. We overview the theory, discuss ...