Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Epidemic plateau in critical SIR dynamics with non-trivial initial conditions 

      Radicchi, F; Bianconi, G
      Containment measures implemented by some countries to suppress the spread of COVID-19 have resulted in a slowdown of the epidemic characterized by time series of daily infections plateauing over extended periods of time. ...
    • Evolutionary dynamics of higher-order interactions in social networks 

      Alvarez-Rodriguez, U; Battiston, F; Arruda, GFD; Moreno, Y; Perc, M; Latora, V (Nature Research, 2020)
      We live and cooperate in networks. However, links in networks only allow for pairwise interactions, thus making the framework suitable for dyadic games, but not for games that are played in groups of more than two players. ...