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Now showing items 47161-47180 of 47289
y Association of Low Tumor Endothelial Cell pY397-Focal Adhesion Kinase Expression With Survival in Patients With Neoadjuvant-Treated Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
(American Medical Association (AMA), 2020-10-27) -
The yagé aesthetic of William Burroughs: the publication and development of his work 1953-1965
(2011)My concern in this thesis is to show that a reconstruction of the publishing history of the work of William Burroughs offers a new, critical perspective on his experiments with psychoactive substances and their connection ... -
Yang-Mills field from fuzzy sphere quantum Kaluza-Klein model
(2024-07-01)Using the framework of quantum Riemannian geometry, we show that gravity on the product of spacetime and a fuzzy sphere is equivalent under minimal assumptions to gravity on spacetime, an su2-valued Yang-Mills field Aμi ... -
Yangian Symmetry of Scattering Amplitudes and the Dilatation Operator in N = 4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory
(American Physical Society, 2015-09-30)It is known that the Yangian of PSU(2,2|4) is a symmetry of the tree-level S matrix of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. On the other hand, the complete one-loop dilatation operator in the same theory commutes with the level-one ... -
YAP/Yorkie in the germline modulates the age-related decline of germline stem cells and niche cells
(PLoS, 2019-04-03)The properties and behaviour of stem cells rely heavily on signaling from the local microenvironment. At the apical end of Drosophila testis, self-renewal and differentiation of germline stem cells (GSCs) are tightly ... -
Yarnell, John: transcript of an audio interview (18-Apr-2000)
(14/02/2017)Interview with Dr John Yarnell, conducted by Dr Andy Ness, for the History of Twentieth Century Medicine Research Group, UCL, 18 April 2000. Transcribed by Mrs Jaqui Carter, and edited by Professor Tilli Tansey and Dr Hugh ... -
The year 2017 in the European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging: Part I.
(2018-10-01)The European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging was launched in 2012. It has gained an impressive impact factor of 8.336 during its first 6 years and is now established as one of the top 10 cardiovascular journals in ... -
The year 2019 in the European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging: Part I.
(2020-09-15)The European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging was launched in 2012 and has during these years become one of the leading multimodality cardiovascular imaging journals. The journal is now established as one of the top ... -
The year 2022 in the European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging: Part I.
(2023-11-23)The European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging with its over 10 years existence is an established leading multi-modality cardiovascular imaging journal. Pertinent publications including original research, how-to papers, ... -
The year in cardiology: coronary interventions.
(Oxford University Press, 2020-01-14)