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dc.contributor.authorBerger, Andre
dc.identifier.citationBerger, A. 2014. Numerical Modelling of Composite Materials Based on a Combined Manufacturing-Crash Simulation. Queen Mary University of London.en_US
dc.description.abstractFibre reinforced plastics are widely used for energy dissipating parts. Due to their superior strength to density ratio they provide a high performance and are ideal for lightweight design for crashworthiness. For this, it is essential that the mechanical behaviour of fibre reinforced composites can be predicted correctly by simulation. However, due to the complex inner structure, this is still a challenging task, in particular in case of highly nonlinear crash loading. In this work, a new purely virtual method is developed, which derives the complex fibre structure of a filament wound tube by a chain of numerical simulations. Thereby a finite element simulation of the fibre placement, taking into account the occurring physical effects, constitutes the fundamental base. Based on the results of the manufacturing simulation, a 3D fibre architecture is generated and compared to the real existing structure. The fibre structure, combined with an automatic matrix implementation algorithm, subsequently provides a finite element model of the composite on meso-scale. Using micro-scale analysis, effective material properties for the roving structure, based on filament-matrix interaction, are derived. Incorporation of the effective properties in a USER MATERIAL model completes the finite element model generation. The mesoscale model is subsequently used to analyse the filament wound tube in terms of quasi-static and crash loading. Finally, the obtained results are compared to experimental observations.en_US
dc.publisherQueen Mary University of Londonen_US
dc.subjectMaterials Scienceen_US
dc.subjectFibre reinforced compositesen_US
dc.subjectVehicle designen_US
dc.titleNumerical Modelling of Composite Materials Based on a Combined Manufacturing-Crash Simulation.en_US
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this thesis rests with the author and no quotation from it or information derived from it may be published without the prior written consent of the author

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  • Theses [4490]
    Theses Awarded by Queen Mary University of London

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