An Algorithm to Measure Parton Fragmentation at Large Hadron Colliders
The Standard Model of particle physics is discussed with emphasis on light quark QCD,
and existing data on light quark fragmentation from e+e annihilation and deep inelastic
scattering experiments.
A method is developed to measure the directionally correlated pionic scaled momentum
distribution, or partonic fragmentation function, in large hadron collider conditions.
Jet algorithms are used to provide partonic momentum estimates, which in turn scale the
hadronic momenta. The associated resolution is unfolded.
Hadronic profiles about the parton are examined at Monte Carlo "truth" level. There
is found to be a uniform uncorrelated background, which may be estimated event-by-event
in regions away from jets and then subtracted statistically from the final distributions.
A variable radius cone sampling method is used to count correlated charged hadrons
and this also provides a method of coping with any poor directional resolution of jet
algorithms. Extrapolation techniques make an estimated measurement possible when the
largest safe sampling radius is not large enough to include all correlated hadrons.
A novel method to calculate jet mass using jet collimation information available from
the FAPS method is demonstrated.
The algorithm was tested over an order of magnitude in hard scale ( 100GeV !
1TeV) with two standard ATLAS reconstructed level Monte Carlos, Pythia and HERWIG,
and the calculated fragmentation function is found to be in agreement with the trend of
previous data at the hard scale overlap. These models have very different hadronisation
models, so may be used to estimate systematic error and test feasibility for a possible
full large scale measurement in data. Such work could support the concept of quark
universality by establishing propagator invariance.
Macey, TomCollections
- Theses [4275]