Psychophysiological markers and the brain processing of visual motion induced nausea in healthy humans.
Background: Nausea is a common and complex multi-system sensation however
objective psychophysiological markers of nausea that also predict nausea susceptibility
in humans are lacking. In addition, the regions of the brain that process the sensation of
nausea are unknown.
Aim: To investigate the brain processing of nausea in healthy individuals.
Methods: Study 1 validated the visual motion induced nausea paradigm with autonomic
measures. Study 2 preselected nausea susceptible versus nausea resistant subjects
using the stimulus with autonomic, electrogastrographic and cortisol monitoring. Study 3
investigated the brain processing of the nausea sensation and Study 4 identified which
brain regions were specific to the generation of nausea.
Results: Studies 1 and 2 – The stimulus was validated with stardardised questionnaires
and identified nausea susceptible and resistant individuals with those susceptible
demonstrating more anxiety; sympathetic arousal, parasympathetic withdrawal; shift
from normogastria to dysrhythmia after motion video. Studies 3 and 4 – The inferior
frontal gyrus was positively correlated with increasing nausea and the parahippocampus
was inhibited. However, nausea resistant subjects demonstrated increased activity in
the parahippocampus. The scopolamine study was overall inconclusive due to nausea
being induced by the drug itself.
Conclusion: NS subjects decreased parasympathetics, normogastria and increased
sympathetics, anxiety and gastric dysrhythmias suggesting these parameters could be
used as markers of nausea susceptibility. The inferior frontal gyrus and
parahippocampus appears to play a role in nausea genesis and should be investigated
further in patients or with other nauseogenic stimulus, newer functional brain imaging
modalities, as well as different pharmacological modulations
Ng, Kee SeongCollections
- Theses [4467]