Now showing items 1-10 of 49
Erratum: The Improving Rural Cancer Outcomes Trial: a cluster-randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention to reduce time to diagnosis in rural cancer patients in Western Australia
Correction to: British Journal of Cancer (2017) 117, 1459–1469; doi:; published online 19 September 2017
Cochrane systematic review of diagnostic accuracy of dermoscopy in comparison to visual inspection for the diagnosis of melanoma
Meeting abstract DS02 from British Association of Dermatologists 98th Annual Meeting, Edinburgh, U.K., 3–5 July 2018
Patients' Experiences of Using Skin Self-monitoring Apps With People at Higher Risk of Melanoma: Qualitative Study.
BACKGROUND: Melanoma is the fourth most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia. Up to 75% of melanomas are first detected by patients or their family or friends. Many mobile apps for melanoma exist, including apps to ...