Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Transferring clinical communication skills from the classroom to the clinical environment: perceptions of a group of medical students in the United kingdom.
PURPOSE: To better understand the transfer of classroom-learned clinical communication skills (CCS) to the clinical environment of the hospital ward, where they are practiced and refined by students. METHOD: The author ...
Learning and teaching clinical communication in the clinical workplace.
BACKGROUND: Clinical communication teaching and learning has become increasingly separate from the clinical workplace over the last 20 years in the UK, and in many medical schools is front-loaded to the early years of the ...
Self-management of a musculoskeletal condition for people from harder to reach groups: a qualitative patient interview study.
Background: This study recorded the functional health literacy levels of people with musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions from harder to reach groups and explored their experiences in engaging with health care professionals ...