Now showing items 1-10 of 44
An in-depth cognitive examination of individuals with superior face recognition skills.
Previous work has reported the existence of "super-recognisers" (SRs), or individuals with extraordinary face recognition skills. However, the precise underpinnings of this ability have not yet been investigated. In this ...
Oxytocin increases bias, but not accuracy, in face recognition line-ups.
Previous work indicates that intranasal inhalation of oxytocin improves face recognition skills, raising the possibility that it may be used in security settings. However, it is unclear whether oxytocin directly acts upon ...
The movement advantage in famous and unfamiliar faces: a comparison of point-light displays and shape-normalised avatar stimuli.
Facial movement may provide cues to identity, by supporting the extraction of face shape information via structure-from-motion, or via characteristic patterns of movement. Currently, it is unclear whether familiar and ...
Men and women differ in their perception of gender bias in research institutions.
There is extensive evidence of gender inequality in research leading to insufficient representation of women in leadership positions. Numbers revealing a gender gap in research are periodically reported by national and ...
Learning Temporal Statistics for Sensory Predictions in Aging.
Predicting future events based on previous knowledge about the environment is critical for successful everyday interactions. Here, we ask which brain regions support our ability to predict the future based on implicit ...
Intact word processing in developmental prosopagnosia.
A wealth of evidence from behavioural, neuropsychological and neuroimaging research supports the view that face recognition is reliant upon a domain-specific network that does not process words. In contrast, the recent ...
Neural correlates of the affective properties of spontaneous and volitional laughter types.
Previous investigations of vocal expressions of emotion have identified acoustic and perceptual distinctions between expressions of different emotion categories, and between spontaneous and volitional (or acted) variants ...
Breaking voice identity perception: Expressive voices are more confusable for listeners.
The human voice is a highly flexible instrument for self-expression, yet voice identity perception is largely studied using controlled speech recordings. Using two voice-sorting tasks with naturally varying stimuli, we ...
Similar representations of emotions across faces and voices.
[Correction Notice: An Erratum for this article was reported in Vol 17(6) of Emotion (see record 2017-18585-001). In the article, the copyright attribution was incorrectly listed and the Creative Commons CC-BY license ...
Increased discriminability of authenticity from multimodal laughter is driven by auditory information.
We present an investigation of the perception of authenticity in audiovisual laughter, in which we contrast spontaneous and volitional samples and examine the contributions of unimodal affective information to multimodal ...