Robert Buchanan 1841-1901: an assessment of his career.
Robert Buchanan was widely regarded during his
lifetime as a poet of distinction, a capable and powerful
novelist, and a critic of some perception, yet his name is
now associated only with one regrettable episode, while
those of lesser men and women continue to be remembered for
work inferior to his. A man possessing large reserves of
energy, and pressed to write for a living at an early age,
he produced much work that deserves the oblivion it has
found; but his early verse, expressing his profound compassion
for the sufferings of the unfortunate in the simplest
language, some of his ballads, and not a little of his
later more vatic verse, is still worthy of study. As a
novelist his work is provocative and readable, but too
often descends to the level of the sentimental melodrama
which earned him, for a while, a very good income from the
stage. As a critic he was not profound, but was quick to
detect and praise expression of his own sympathy for humanity
that came to represent for him art's highest aspiration;
Dickens, Browning and Whitman were his heroes, and for the
last two he did sterling work in helping them to gain widespread
recognition. As a polemist he rushed into several
arenas, for some of which his talents were not especially
suited; but he publicly supported C. S. Parnell and Oscar
Wilde when few found the courage to do so. An interesting
man of impressive variety and undoubted talent has found an
undeserved neglect, and a full-scale critical biography of
Robert Buchanan is long overdue.
Murray, Christopher DavidCollections
- Theses [4270]