Story and history: exploring the Great War.
This essay suggests that the creative imagination proved to
be the most effective guide to the experiences of the Great War.
The argument is that the rational consciousness and its received,
discursive language proved unable to explore many of the
dimensions of an experience that was characterized by the
irrational. That most precious of heritages--the language-actually
prevented people from seeing and saying what was going
Most of the memoirs demonstrate a tension between that which
is recognized by the rational consciousness and that which is
rendered as there by the creative imagination. The various
tactics employed by the memoirists to deal with that tension
(most interestingly by the creation of a persona who stands in
for the memoirist) are revealing in themselves. In exploring
these issues we will discover that memoirs are actually a subset
of fiction, and must be seen and read as such. We learn to trust
the tale rather than the teller of it.
The novels, too, will demonstrate a dichotomy between
novelist and novel. There too, as in the memoirs, we discover
that the imagination can lead us into places not readily
available to the discursive mind. Ford Madox Ford's Parade's End
gives us an extraordinary picture of a civilization bound and
impotent, helpless to free itself from the dead hand of its past
except by some apocalyptic smash-up. It suggests in a number of
ways precisely how and why European civilization seemed in the
end to be so eager for the war that would destroy it. H.G.Wells's
Mr. Britling Sees it Through is one of the very few contemporary
renditions of the war that sees it clearly as nightmare and
horror. Worse, Britling must realize that even though this
nightmare may consume his son he can do nothing about it. It is a
lesson of impotence that is enforced. Finally D.H.Lawrence's
Kangaroo starts to explore some of the implications of the war.
In the end, as a result of his own experiences in England during
the war, Somers has lost his faith in the England he once so
cared for, in civilization, in democracy, in any kind of
political action, in connecting. It is a staggering loss.
Glassco, David KidderCollections
- Theses [4495]