Now showing items 1-10 of 546
Dissident Communism in Catalonia 1930-1936
(Queen Mary University of London, 1988)
This thesis traces the history of dissident communism in Catalonia during the years
of the Spanish Second Republic. It centres on the ideological, organisational and
tactical development of the Bloc Obrer i Camperol ...
The River Lea 1571-1767: a river navigation prior to canalisation
(Queen Mary University of London, 1987)
In pre-industrial England river navigations were subject
to improvement by canalisation, the introduction of
artificial navigation cuts and pound locks. Along the Lea
this did not happen until 1767. Before that the ...
Classical Themes in the Non-Satiric Poetry of Andrew Marvell
Chapter 1 examines the grammar school curriculum
in the early seventeenth century, paying special
attention to the classical texts usually taught and
to the normal pedagogic methods used. It also gives
an account of ...
An exploration of the outsider's role in selected works by Joseph Conrad, Malcolm Lowry, V.S. Naipaul.
(Queen Mary University of London, 1996)
This thesis explores ways in which the outsider questions rather than confirms
dominant cultural values whilst avoiding the crudity of overt politicisation. I argue
that the outsider's preference for an observer's stance ...
Post-Impact Compression Behaviour of Continuous Fibre Composite Materials
(Queen Mary University of London, 1991)
Compression-after-impact testing is widely used to assist in the development and selection
of materials for aircraft applications. Presently, there are no standard test methods in
existence. The most widely used industrial ...
Defining Interaction within Immersive Virtual Environments
(Queen Mary University of London, 1996)
This thesis is concerned with the design of Virtual Environments (YEs) -
in particular with the tools and techniques used to describe interesting and
useful environments. This concern is not only with respect to the ...
Wellcome Witnesses to Twentieth Century Medicine: Volume 2
(Wellcome Trust, 1998-09)
Second volume of four Witness Seminar transcripts of meetings held between 1996 and 1997: ‘Making the Human Body Transparent: The Impact of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Resonance Imaging’ (Tansey E M, Christie ...
Patriarchal Negotiations: Women, Writing and Religion 1640-1660
(Queen Mary University of London, 1994)
Women were prominent in the Lollard movement in the fifteenth century, but it
is only in the mid-seventeenth century that women begin to produce theological texts
which contribute to the controversy over popular religious ...
Two eighteenth-century English adaptations of the Celestina : Celestina: or the Spanish bawd : a tragi-comedy; and the Bawd of Madrid.
(Queen Mary University of London, 1974)
The introductory chapter discusses previous studies of Celestina
imitations and adaptations, and the position of early Celestinesque
works in Spanish literature. I then move further afield to investigate
the diffusion ...
The measurements and calculation of acoustic noise radiated by small electrical machines.
(Queen Mary University of London, 1965)
With the increasing noise level present in a mechanised society
today it is necessary to reduce unwanted sound in any economic way
possible. The work done for this thesis is part of a research project,
at Queen Mary ...