Now showing items 1-10 of 41
Observational Cosmology in Macroscopic Gravity
We discuss the construction of cosmological models within the framework of Macroscopic Gravity (MG), which is a theory that models the effects of averaging the geometry of space-time on large scales. We find new exact ...
FRW cosmology in Milgrom's bimetric theory of gravity
We consider spatially homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) solutions of Milgrom's recently proposed class of bimetric theories of gravity. These theories have two different regimes, corresponding to ...
Exact Friedmann Solutions in Higher-Order Gravity Theories
We find the general behaviour of homogeneous and isotropic cosmological models in some fourth-order theories of gravity. Explicit, exact, general solutions are given for both empty universes and those filled with a perfect ...
The Parameterised Post-Newtonian Limit of Fourth-Order Theories of Gravity
We determine the full post-Newtonian limit of theories of gravity that extend general relativity by replacing the Ricci scalar, R, in the generating Lagrangian by some analytic function, f(R). We restrict ourselves to ...
Properties of Black Hole Radiation From Tunnelling
We consider the space-time associated with the evaporation of a black hole by quantum mechanical tunnelling events. It is shown that the surface through which tunnelling occurs is distinct from the global event horizon, ...
The Ups and Downs of Cyclic Universes
We investigate homogeneous and isotropic oscillating cosmologies with multiple fluid components. Transfer of energy between these fluids is included in order to model the effects of non-equilibrium behavior on closed ...
Cosmologies with Energy Exchange
We provide a simple mathematical description of the exchange of energy between two fluids in an expanding Friedmann universe with zero spatial curvature. The evolution can be reduced to a single non-linear differential ...
Observational Constraints on the Completeness of Space near Astrophysical Objects
We consider the observational effects of a deficit angle, w, in the topology of the solar system and in the 'double pulsar' system PSR J0737-3039A/B. Using observations of the perihelion precession of Mercury, and the ...
Errors in Estimating Omega_Lambda due to the Fluid Approximation
The matter content of the Universe is strongly inhomogeneous on small scales. Motivated by this fact, we consider a model of the Universe that has regularly spaced discrete masses, rather than a continuous fluid. The optical ...
Spherically Symmetric Solutions to Fourth-Order Theories of Gravity
Gravitational theories generated from Lagrangians of the form f(R) are considered. The spherically symmetric solutions to these equations are discussed, paying particular attention to features that differ from the standard ...