Now showing items 1-10 of 379
‘«Baby s p'esami»: V razvitie nekotorykh siuzhetov knigi D. Rayfielda Zhizn' Antona Chekhova’
(Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Stanford University, 2012)
(Oxford University Press, 2010)
The Syntactic Domain of Content
(John Benjamins, 2013-05)
A main motivation for relegating Word Formation to the lexicon is the fact that its output is often non-compositional. The present article, however, presents a serious challenge to the presumed contradiction between ...
Snow White in 1930s Britain
(Edinburgh University Press, 2010)
‘Pervaia kniga A. S. Suvorina’.
(Kniga: Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2010)
‘«Zhenskii vopros eshche ne voshel v obshchestvennoe soznanie…»: Problemy 'emansipatsii v rannei zhurnalistike A. S. Suvorina’
(Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011)