Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Hackathons: Why Co-Location? 

      BRISCOE, G; Virani, TE; Dima, M (2015-01-01)
      In this position paper we outline and discuss co-location as a significant catalyst to knowledge exchange between participants for innovation at hackathon events. We draw on surveys and empirical evidence from participation ...
    • London Creative and Digital Fusion 

      Garner, C; Bolfek-Radovani, J; Fogg, H; Riedel, J; Ternouth, P; Briscoe, G; Dima, M; Shiach, M; Virani, T (ERDF London Creative and Digital Fusion programme, 2014)
      The London Creative and Digital Fusion programme of interactive, tailored and in-depth support was designed to support the UK capital’s creative and digital companies to collaborate, innovate and grow. London is a globally ...