Now showing items 1-10 of 17
Eu budget support as a transnational policy instrument: Above and beyond the state?
© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Maintaining mostly a national and EU-level focus, the transnational dimension has been overlooked in the policy instrumentation literature. Seeking to fill this gap, this article researches ...
Editorial: The negotiation and contestation of EU migration policy instruments: A research framework
This article develops a research framework for the analysis of the politics of migration policy instruments. Policy instruments are seen as living instruments; they evolve and develop similar to moving targets. A scholar ...
EU democracy projection in the Southern Mediterranean a practice analysis
This is an original manuscript / preprint of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Mediterranean Politics on 01 Mar 2021, available online:
Beyond De-Europeanisation: rethinking the diversity of (non)-changes of post-Brexit public policies in the United Kingdom
Academic literature on Europeanisation has remained broadly optimistic regarding the transformative impact of Europe on the domestic level until the formation of a new research agenda focused on de-Europeanisation. With ...
Framing immobility: Schengen governance in times of pandemics
This is an original manuscript / preprint of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of European Integration on 29 Dec 2020, available online:
The EU Institutional Architecture in the Covid-19 Response: Coordinative Europeanization in times of Permanent Emergency
In this article we explore the EU’s reaction to the Covid-19 crisis and we argue that a new mode of Europeanization that can be best described as coordinative Europeanization has emerged. Moving from ‘coercive Europeanization’ ...