Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Investigating the functional significance of an FGFR2 intronic SNP in Breast Cancer
(Queen Mary University of London, 2013-05)
Single nucleotide polymorphisms present in the second intron of the fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) gene have been linked with increased risk of breast cancer in several genome wide association studies. The ...
The Significance of C-Met in Different Molecular Sub-Types of Invasive Breast Cancer.
(Queen Mary University of London, 2014-05)
Introduction: Basal-like (BL) breast cancer is an aggressive sub-type of breast cancer for which there is no targeted systemic therapy. C-Met is a receptor tyrosine kinase implicated in breast cancer. Clinical trials ...
Development of a Novel Strategy for Targeted Delivery of siRNA to B lymphocytes
(Queen Mary University of London, 25/03/2014)
This study describes “proof of concept” experiments for development of a novel therapy
to target B cells in pathological settings such as cancer and inflammation. Targeted
biological therapies including monoclonal antibodies ...
Development of New Methods to Support Systemic Incident Analysis.
(Queen Mary University of London, 11/11/2015)
Explaining incidents as systems is a fast growing area of safety scientific research. The misleading conception of naturalistic human communication in terms of ‘objective information’ remains a pervasive influence on ...
Activating senescence in p16-positive Basal-like breast cancer.
(Activating senescence in p16-positive Basal-like breast cancer., 2016-01-05)
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK and Basal-like breast cancer (a highly aggressive subtype) accounts for approximately 8-22% of all cases depending on ethnicity. Unlike most human malignancies and indeed ...