Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Elucidation of the BMI1 interactome identifies novel regulatory roles in glioblastoma. 

      Freire-Benéitez, Verónica; Pomella, Nicola; Millner, Thomas O; Dumas, Anaëlle A; Niklison-Chirou, Maria Victoria; Maniati, Eleni; Wang, Jun; Rajeeve, Vinothini; Cutillas, Pedro; Marino, Silvia (Oxford University Press, 2021-03-22)
      Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and aggressive intrinsic brain tumour in adults. Epigenetic mechanisms controlling normal brain development are often dysregulated in GBM. Among these, BMI1, a structural component of ...