Browsing History by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 356
Atlantic Crossings Revisited
(2023-10-15)This roundtable reflects on the 25th anniversary of the publication of Daniel T. Rodgers's Atlantic Crossings: Social Politics in a Progressive Age (Harvard, 1998), a classic in our field. -
Before compassion: sympathy, tact and the history of the ideal nurse.
(2020-07-30)The word 'compassion' is ubiquitous in modern healthcare. Yet few writers agree on what the term means, and what makes it an essential trait in nursing. In this article, I take a historical approach to the problem of ... -
Beguines, Free Spirits, and the Inquisitorial Network Conundrum
(2023-07-24)The so-called heresy of the Free Spirit is today considered the epitome of the religious construct produced by ecclesiastical authorities to legitimise persecution. By situating the trial and sentence of the visionary Na ... -
(2021) -
Belgian Rule and its Afterlives: Colonialism, Developmentalism and Mobutism in the Tanganyika District, Southeastern DR-Congo, 1885-1985
(Cambridge University Press, 2017-11-10)The arrival of Belgian rule in the late nineteenth century initiated significant changes in the labour history of Tanganyika, a province in the southeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), as well the discursive ... -
Beliefs in progress: The beguins of languedoc and the construction of a new heretical identity
(2021-01-01)In October 1319, the archbishop of Narbonne and the Dominican inquisitor Jean de Beaune surrendered to the secular arm the first members of the group of men and women known to historians as the Beguins of Languedoc. The ... -
Between Soviet and ethnic: cultural policies and national identity-building in Soviet Belarus under Petr Masherau, 1965-1980
(Slavica Publishers, 2023-08-20) -
‘Between the bridge and the brook’: suicide and salvation in England c. 1550-1650
(2015-04-21)That suicide was a damnable sin in Reformation England has been emphasized so far in the historiography of self-killing, but in practice the clergy were equivocal over the question of whether all self-killers were damned. ... -
Bhagat Singh's Corpse
(Taylor & Francis (Routledge): SSH Titles, 2016-09-01)This article explores how a sense of responsibility toward the revolutionary Bhagat Singh (1907-1931) is mediated by and articulated through a relationship with the martyr’s written remains. It considers how efforts to ... -
The Bitburg Affair and the Beginnings of Jewish Activism in 1980s West Germany
(Oxford University Press (OUP), 2020-01-03) -
'The Black Lines of Damnation': Double Predestination and the Causes of Despair in Timothy Bright's A Treatise of Melancholie
(Institut du Monde Anglophone, 2015-12-08)The relationship between melancholy and religious enthusiasm in England has been the subject of a number of historical studies. This article examines a lesser-known type of religious melancholy, the fear that one was among ... -
The Books of Tho. Hobbes
There are four books that have been advertised in sales catalogues as possessing the inscription ‘Tho. Hobbes’ and having once been owned by Thomas Hobbes. But how confident can we be that they belonged to the famous ... -
Brexit and Empire: ‘Global Britain’ and the Myth of Imperial Nostalgia
In the wake of the 2016 referendum, the idea that ‘imperial nostalgia’ motivated the Leave vote became a staple of academic commentary. Yet such claims suffer from four important flaws. They are usually polemical in ...