The Manin constant and the modular degree
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Journal of the European Mathematical Society
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The Manin constant $c$ of an elliptic curve $E$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ is the nonzero integer that scales the pullback of a N\'{e}ron differential under a minimal parametrization $\phi\colon X_0(N)_{\mathbb{Q}} \twoheadrightarrow E$ into the differential $\omega_f$ determined by the normalized newform $f$ associated to $E$. Manin conjectured that $c = \pm 1$ for optimal parametrizations, and we prove that in general $c \mid \mathrm{deg}(\phi)$ under a minor assumption at $2$ and $3$ that is not needed for cube-free $N$ or for parametrizations by $X_1(N)_{\mathbb{Q}}$. Since $c$ is supported at the additive reduction primes, which need not divide $\mathrm{deg}(\phi)$, this improves the status of the Manin conjecture for many $E$. For the proof, we settle a part of the Manin conjecture by establishing an integrality property of $\omega_f$ necessary for it to hold. We reduce the latter to $p$-adic bounds on denominators of the Fourier expansions of $f$ at all the cusps of $X_0(N)_{\mathbb{C}}$ and then use the recent basic identity for the $p$-adic Whittaker newform to establish stronger bounds in the more general setup of newforms of weight $k$ on $X_0(N)$. To overcome obstacles at $2$ and $3$, we analyze nondihedral supercuspidal representations of $\mathrm{GL}_2(\mathbb{Q}_2)$ and exhibit new cases in which $X_0(N)_{\mathbb{Z}}$ has rational singularities.
Cesnavicius, K; Neururer, M; Saha, ACollections
- Mathematics [1686]