The revival and success of Britain’s second application for membership of the European Community, 1968-71
On 19 December 1967, France formally imposed a veto on British entry to
the European Community. The Labour government of Harold Wilson had
applied for membership of the Community in May of that year, but the
French, in accordance with the views of their President, Charles de Gaulle,
implacably opposed enlargement negotiations. Yet just three and a half
years later, in June 1971, accession negotiations between Britain and the
Community recorded agreement on the critical issues, thereby removing the
major diplomatic obstacles to British membership. Why this turnaround in
fortunes occurred, and what contribution the governments of Harold Wilson
and Edward Heath made to it, are the questions at the heart of this thesis.
In its analysis of these historic events, this thesis provides numerous new
findings. It re-interprets British actions in relation to the controversial
‘Soames affair’ of February 1969. It demonstrates the impact of The Hague
summit upon the cost of British membership, and shows how this influenced
internal debate about the case for joining the Community. Fresh light is shed
upon the critical phase of the accession negotiations between January and
June 1971, both in regard to Pompidou’s actions and motivations, and the
role of the May 1971 Heath-Pompidou summit in the successful outcome.
The thesis is based primarily upon British governmental sources held at the
National Archives. The private papers of key participants have also been
consulted, as well as parliamentary debates, political diaries, memoirs, and newspapers. In addition, the papers for the presidency of Georges
Pompidou, deposited at the Archives Nationales, are employed to illuminate
French actions at the two pivotal moments of the accession negotiations: the
impasse of March 1971; and the Heath-Pompidou summit two months later.
Furby, Daniel EdwinCollections
- Theses [4467]