Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Exploring the effects of BCG vaccination in patients diagnosed with tuberculosis: Observational study using the Enhanced Tuberculosis Surveillance system.
BACKGROUND: Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is one of the most widely-used vaccines worldwide. BCG primarily reduces the progression from infection to disease, however there is evidence that BCG may provide additional ...
Evaluating 17 years of latent tuberculosis infection screening in north-west England: a retrospective cohort study of reactivation.
Approximately 72% of tuberculosis (TB) cases in England occur among non-UK born individuals, mostly as a result of reactivation of latent TB infection (LTBI). Programmatic LTBI screening is a key intervention of the TB ...
Vulnerability and tuberculosis treatment outcomes in urban settings in England: A mixed-methods study.
BACKGROUND: Evidence on factors contributing to poor treatment outcome and healthcare priorities in vulnerable populations affected by tuberculosis (TB) in urban areas of England other than London is needed to inform ...
Effectiveness of pre-entry active tuberculosis and post-entry latent tuberculosis screening in new entrants to the UK: a retrospective, population-based cohort study.
BACKGROUND: Evaluating interventions that might lead to a reduction in tuberculosis in high-income countries with a low incidence of the disease is key to accelerate progress towards its elimination. In such countries, ...
Engaging with civil society to improve access to LTBI screening for new migrants in England: a qualitative study.
<sec id="st1"> <title>SETTING</title> The latent tuberculous infection (LTBI) programme in England, UK, offers testing and treatment to new migrants from high tuberculosis incidence countries. However, the rates of LTBI ...
Latent tuberculous screening of recent migrants attending language classes: a cohort study and cost analysis.
SETTING: England's national tuberculosis (TB) strategy recommends testing for and treatment of latent tuberculous infection (LTBI) among new migrants. Programmatic testing occurs in primary care, which may be inaccessible ...
Should young people be paid for getting tested? A national comparative study to evaluate patient financial incentives for chlamydia screening.
BACKGROUND: Patient financial incentives ("incentives") have been widely used to promote chlamydia screening uptake amongst 15-24 year olds in England, but there is scarce evidence of their effectiveness. The objectives ...