Now showing items 11-20 of 43
Hit-and-run epigenetic editing prevents senescence entry in primary breast cells from healthy donors.
Aberrant promoter DNA hypermethylation is a hallmark of cancer; however, whether this is sufficient to drive cellular transformation is not clear. To investigate this question, we use a CRISPR-dCas9 epigenetic editing tool, ...
IGHV sequencing reveals acquired N-glycosylation sites as a clonal and stable event during follicular lymphoma evolution.
Follicular lymphoma B cells undergo continuous somatic hypermutation (SHM) of their immunoglobulin variable region genes, generating a heterogeneous tumor population. SHM introduces DNA sequences encoding N-glycosylation ...
Integrated genomic analysis identifies recurrent mutations and evolution patterns driving the initiation and progression of follicular lymphoma
Follicular lymphoma is an incurable malignancy, with transformation to an aggressive subtype representing a critical event during disease progression. Here we performed whole-genome or whole-exome sequencing on 10 follicular ...