Now showing items 1-3 of 3
On Agmon metrics and exponential localization for quantum graphs
(Springer Verlag, 2018-03-28)
We investigate the rate of decrease at infinity of eigenfunctions of quantum graphs by using Agmon's method to prove $L^2$ and $L^\infty$ bounds on the product of an eigenfunction with the exponential of a certain metric. ...
Hardy inequalities on metric measure spaces, II: The case $p>q$
In this note we continue giving the characterisation of weights for two-weight Hardy inequalities to hold on general metric measure spaces possessing polar decompositions. Since there may be no differentiable structure on ...
Critical Gagliardo-Nirenberg, Trudinger, Brezis-Gallouet-Wainger inequalities on graded groups and ground states
In this paper we investigate critical Gagliardo-Nirenberg, Trudinger-type and Brezis-Gallouet-Wainger inequalities associated with the positive Rockland operators on graded groups, which includes the cases of $\mathbb R^n$, ...