Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Simplicial complexes: higher-order spectral dimension and dynamics
(IOP, 2020)
Simplicial complexes constitute the underlying topology of interacting complex systems including among the others brain and social interaction networks. They are generalized network structures that allow to go beyond the ...
The higher-order spectrum of simplicial complexes: a renormalization group approach
(IOP, 2020)
Network topology is a flourishing interdisciplinary subject that is relevant for different disciplines including quantum gravity and brain research. The discrete topological objects that are investigated in network topology ...
Explosive higher-order Kuramoto dynamics on simplicial complexes
(American Physical Society, 2020)
The higher-order interactions of complex systems, such as the brain, are captured by their simplicial complex structure and have a significant effect on dynamics. However the existing dynamical models defined on simplicial ...
Predicting Urban Innovation from the Workforce Mobility Network in US
(Nature, 2021-01)
While great emphasis has been placed on the role of social interactions as driver of innovation growth, very few empirical studies have explicitly investigated the impact of social network structures on the innovation ...
Non-Markovian Majority-Vote model
(American Physical Society, 2021)
Non-Markovian dynamics pervades human activity and social networks and it induces memory effects and burstiness in a wide range of processes including inter-event time distributions, duration of interactions in temporal ...
Higher-order percolation processes on multiplex hypergraphs
(American Physical Society, 2021-09-15)
Higher-order interactions are increasingly recognised as a fundamental aspect of complex systems ranging from the brain to social contact networks. Hypergraphs as well as simplicial complexes capture the higher-order ...
Higher-order simplicial synchronization of coupled topological signals
(Nature Research, 2021-06-07)
Simplicial complexes capture the underlying network topology and geometry of complex systems ranging from the brain to social networks. Here we show that algebraic topology is a fundamental tool to capture the higher-order ...
Local topological moves determine global diffusion properties of hyperbolic higher-order networks
(American Physical Society, 2021)
From social interactions to the human brain, higher-order networks are key to describe the underlying network geometry and topology of many complex systems. While it is well known that network structure strongly affects ...
Evolutionary dynamics of higher-order interactions in social networks
(Nature Research, 2020)
We live and cooperate in networks. However, links in networks only allow for pairwise interactions, thus making the framework suitable for dyadic games, but not for games that are played in groups of more than two players. ...
Dirac synchronization is rhythmic and explosive