Now showing items 1-10 of 17
Dressing with Control: using integrability to generate desired solutions to Einstein's equations
Motivated by integrability of the sine-Gordon equation, we investigate a technique for constructing desired solutions to Einstein's equations by combining a dressing technique with a control-theory approach. After reviewing ...
The higher-order spectrum of simplicial complexes: a renormalization group approach
(IOP, 2020)
Network topology is a flourishing interdisciplinary subject that is relevant for different disciplines including quantum gravity and brain research. The discrete topological objects that are investigated in network topology ...
Probing Dark Energy through Perfect Fluid Thermodynamics
We demonstrate that the thermodynamics of a perfect fluid describing baryonic matter can, in certain limits, lead to an equation of state similar to that of dark energy. We keep the cosmic fluid equation of state quite ...
Network Geometry and Complexity
(Springer Verlag, 2018-07-18)
Higher order networks are able to characterize data as different as functional brain networks, protein interaction networks and social networks beyond the framework of pairwise interactions. Most notably higher order ...
Neutron star equation of state via gravitational wave observations
Gravitational wave observations can potentially measure properties of neutron star equations of state by measuring departures from the point-particle limit of the gravitational waveform produced in the late inspiral of a ...
Hamiltonian Hydrodynamics and Irrotational Binary Inspiral
Gravitational waves from neutron-star and black-hole binaries carry valuable information on their physical properties and probe physics inaccessible to the laboratory. Although development of black-hole gravitational-wave ...
High-order difference and pseudospectral methods for discontinuous problems
High order finite-difference or spectral methods are typically problematic in approximating a function with a jump discontinuity. Some common remedies come with a cost in accuracy near discontinuities, or in computational ...
Inferring the neutron star equation of state from binary inspiral waveforms
The properties of neutron star matter above nuclear density are not precisely known. Gravitational waves emitted from binary neutron stars during their late stages of inspiral and merger contain imprints of the neutron-star ...
Quantum Kaluza-Klein theory with $M_2(\mathbb{C})$
Dirac operator associated to a quantum metric