Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Literary Sampling and the Poetics of the Specimen
(Graduate School Boston University, 2020-05-01)
This article examines two types of literary specimen: a sample of typeset pages distributed with a prospectus to advertise a projected work, especially in subscription publishing; and a representative example of an author, ...
The Prospectus War of the 1790s: Literary Advertising in an Age of Revolution
(Duke University Press, 2020-07-01)
The 'French' Books of The Prelude: A Virtual Round Table
(John Benjamins Publishing, 2018-04-24)
(John Benjamins Publishing, 2018-04-24)
(John Benjamins Publishing, 2019-08-26)
The Romantic Ode and the Art of Brinkmanship
(Didier-Erudition, 2020-07-01)
This article reappraises the Romantic ode through the concept of ‘brinkmanship’ introduced by Edward Young in 1728 and revived and developed by Coleridge. Young portrays the Pindaric ode as a risk-taking genre which appears ...
The Press of the Royal Institution
(Edinburgh University Press, 2025-04-01)
The essay offers the first detailed account of the Press of the Royal Institution, established in 1801 in order to print the recently launched Journals of the Royal Institution as well as lecture syllabuses, other pedagogical ...
(Edinburgh University Press, 2025-04-01)
Special issue on 'Romanticism at the Royal Institution'
Romanticism and Periodisation: A Roundtable
(Open Book Publishers, 2021-03-15)
Prospectuses, Specimens and National Works: Byron and John Hookham Frere
(Liverpool University Press, 2024-07-01)
This article analyses Byron’s stylistic conversion of 1817 by examining the transformative impact of John Hookham Frere’s Prospectus and Specimen of an Intended National Work, by William and Robert Whistlecraft, which Byron ...