Now showing items 1-10 of 103
Hearing and dementia
Resting-state EEG signatures of Alzheimer's disease are driven by periodic but not aperiodic changes.
Electroencephalography (EEG) has shown potential for identifying early-stage biomarkers of neurocognitive dysfunction associated with dementia due to Alzheimer's disease (AD). A large body of evidence shows that, compared ...
A process evaluation of the NIDUS-Professional dementia training intervention for UK homecare workers.
INTRODUCTION: This process evaluation was conducted in parallel to the randomised controlled feasibility trial of NIDUS-Professional, a manualised remote dementia training intervention for homecare workers (HCWs), delivered ...
A palliative care goals model for people with dementia and their family: Consensus achieved in an international Delphi study.
(Sage Publications, 2024-04-18)
BACKGROUND: Advance care planning in dementia includes supporting the person and their family to consider important goals of care. International research reports the importance of psycho-social-spiritual aspects towards ...