Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Access to healthcare in superdiverse neighbourhoods.
To date little attention has been focused on how the differing features of 'superdiverse' neighbourhoods shape residents' access to healthcare services. Through utilising a cross-national mixed-methods approach, the paper ...
Experiences of private sector quality care amongst mothers, newborns, and children in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review.
BACKGROUND: Experience of care is a pillar of quality care; positive experiences are essential during health care encounters and integral to quality health service delivery. Yet, we lack synthesised knowledge of how private ...
Puberty and menstruation knowledge among young adolescents in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review.
OBJECTIVES: This study presents a scoping review of evidence relating to knowledge and experiences of puberty and menstruation among females aged 10-14 years in low- and middle-income countries. METHODS: Forty-four items ...
COVID-19 and Abortion: Making Structural Violence Visible.
COVID-19 has compromised and disrupted sexual and reproductive health (SRH) across multiple dimensions: individual-level access, health systems functioning, and at the policy and governance levels. Disruptions to supply ...
"If I Am Ready": Exploring the relationships between masculinities, pregnancy, and abortion among men in James Town, Ghana.
The ability to exercise full sexual and reproductive health and rights is shaped by the contextual environment, meaning that women and pregnant people must navigate patriarchal norms when seeking care. Despite growing ...
Men's involvement in women's abortion-related care: a scoping review of evidence from low- and middle-income countries.
Men's involvement in abortion is significant, intersecting across the individual, community and macro factors that shape abortion-related care pathways. This scoping review maps the evidence from low- and middle-income ...
"Technically an abortion": Understanding perceptions and definitions of abortion in the United States.
Anti-abortion legislation in the United States exploits misinformation and ignores medical definitions to curtail access to essential healthcare. Little is known about how individuals most likely to need this care define ...
Exploring the roles of men and masculinities in abortion and emergency contraception pathways, Ghana: a mobile phone-based mixed-methods study protocol.
INTRODUCTION: Global commitments have established goals of achieving universal sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) access, but critical obstacles remain. Emergency contraception and induced abortion are ...
"Even when you write with a pencil there is an eraser to clean it": Examining men's conceptualisations of and involvement in emergency contraceptive use in Accra, Ghana.
Emergency contraceptive pills are an essential and unique post-coital method to avoid a pregnancy, with evidence showing the significant role men can have in procurement and decisions to use. Global Health recommendations ...