Now showing items 1-10 of 16
The Politics and Governance of Non-Traditional Security
(Wiley Online, 2013)
The international security literature has recently observed the growing “securitization” of issues outside the traditional concern with interstate military conflict. However, this literature offers only limited explanations ...
ASEAN’s Albatross: ASEAN’s Burma Policy, from Constructive Engagement to Critical Disengagement
Following the abortive “Saffron Revolution” of autumn 2007, Burma’s ASEAN partners were subject to the timeworn criticism that the grouping persistently fails to act against its pariah member due to its near-religious ...
(Post-)Colonial Statebuilding in East Timor: Bringing Social Conflict Back In
One potential explanation for the persistent gap between international state-builders’ aspirations and achievements is their misguided understanding of states as institutional apparatuses abstracted and separated from ...
‘The Others’: Gender and Conscientious Objection in the First World War
(Universitetsforlaget (Scandinavian University Press), 2008)
In a time when ‘if one was born a male, one became a soldier’, what does it mean to be a man who refuses to fight? This article uses Connell’s framework of ‘hegemonic masculinity’ to locate conscientious objectors’ male ...