Dietary Behaviour Change in Adolescence.
Diet is an important determinant of health, especially during adolescence when
growth and development are critical. Many young people continue however to
eat a diet that does not conform with current dietary recommendations
Relatively little research has been carried out into adolescent dietary behaviour
change. The Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change has been developed
and tested with a range of health related behaviours and indicates that change
is a dynamic non-linear process involving several distinct stages (Prochaska
and Diclemente, 1991).
The aim of this study was to investigate adolescent dietary behaviour change
amongst a sample of 513 fourteen year olds attending six schools in North
London. The objectives were to assess the key features, patterns and
characteristics of the sample's dietary behaviour, to establish the nature and
extent of change of diet; and to investigate the context, influences and
processes involved. A three phase study design was developed which utilised
both quantitative and qualitative methods.
Results from the quantitative phase revealed that over 50% of the sample had
experience of changing either their fat or sugar intakes. Application of the
Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change revealed very similar patterns of
change for both fat and sugar, although differences in the distribution of stages
between females and males was apparent. Multiple logistic regression analysis
showed that adolescents who were female, perceived themselves to be
overweight, were involved with cooking and ate a home based lunch were more
likely to have changed their diets.
Data from the semi-structured interviews revealed the complex processes and
social influences involved in changing eating behaviours. Concern with body
appearance was the major motivation for change, with direct health
considerations being less important. The socio-structural context greatly
influenced young eoleabilitY to successfully modify their eating patterns.
These results have important implications for the future development of
appropriate and effective health promotion dietary interventions aimed at young
Watt, Richard GeddieCollections
- Theses [4495]