NHS-Galleri trial: Enriched enrolment approaches and sociodemographic characteristics of enrolled participants.
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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Certain sociodemographic groups are routinely underrepresented in clinical trials, limiting generalisability. Here, we describe the extent to which enriched enrolment approaches yielded a diverse trial population enriched for older age in a randomised controlled trial of a blood-based multi-cancer early detection test (NCT05611632). METHODS: Participants aged 50-77 years were recruited from eight Cancer Alliance regions in England. Most were identified and invited from centralised health service lists; a dynamic invitation algorithm was used to target those in older and more deprived groups. Others were invited by their general practice surgery (GP-based Participant Identification Centres in selected regions); towards the end of recruitment, specifically Asian and Black individuals were invited via this route, as part of a concerted effort to encourage enrolment among these individuals. Some participants self-referred, often following engagement activities involving community organisations. Enrolment took place in 11 mobile clinics at 151 locations that were generally more socioeconomically deprived and ethnically diverse than the England average. We reduced logistical barriers to trial participation by offering language interpretation and translation and disabled access measures. After enrolment, we examined (1) sociodemographic distribution of participants versus England and Cancer Alliance populations, and (2) number needed to invite (NNI; the number of invitations sent to enrol one participant) by age, sex, index of multiple deprivation (IMD) and ethnicity, and GP surgery-level bowel screening participation. RESULTS: Approximately 1.5 million individuals were invited and 142,924 enrolled (98% via centralised health service lists/invitation algorithm) in 10.5 months. The enrolled population was older and more deprived than the England population aged 50-77 years (73.3% vs 56.8% aged 60-77 years; 42.3% vs 35.3% in IMD groups 1-2). Ethnic diversity was lower in the trial than the England population (1.4% vs 2.8% Black; 3.3% vs 5.3% Asian). NNI was highest in Black (32.8), Asian (28.2) and most-deprived (21.5) groups, and lowest in mixed ethnicity (8.1) and least-deprived (4.6) groups. CONCLUSIONS: Enrolment approaches used in the NHS-Galleri trial enabled recruitment of an older, socioeconomically diverse participant population relatively rapidly. Compared with the England and Cancer Alliance populations, the enrolled population was enriched for those in older age and more deprived groups. Better ethnicity data availability in central health service records could enable better invitation targeting to further enhance ethnically diverse recruitment. Future research should evaluate approaches used to facilitate recruitment from underrepresented groups in clinical trials.
Swanton, C; Bachtiar, V; Mathews, C; Brentnall, AR; Lowenhoff, I; Waller, J; Bomb, M; McPhail, S; Pinches, H; Smittenaar, RCollections
- Centre for Cancer Prevention [1276]