
IT Services – Service Status

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QMRO unavailable for use – Friday 21 February, 8am

Friday, 21 February 2025, 8.00am


Impact to users and services affect: We are currently experiencing issues with the QMRO System – and at present estimate that service will be restored at approximately 16:00.

Please note that Symplectic Elements (the research management system) is functioning correctly however the integration to QMRO is not functioning preventing users depositing material to QMRO.

We will provide a further update in due course.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused during this time.

|IT Services | INC0105185|

21/2/2025 16:00: We continue to experience performance issues with QMRO and work continues to resolve the issue. A further update on this issue will be provided at approximately 17:30.

21/2/2025 17:30: We continue to experience performance issues with QMRO despite this afternoon’s efforts to resolve the issue – work will resume on Monday 24/2. Please accept our apologies for any continued inconvenience arising from this outage.

24/2/2025 12:30: We continue to work on resolving ongoing performance issues with QMRO – some access has been restored however intermittent performance issues continue.

24/2/2025 17:00: Access has been restored however intermittent performance issues may still be encountered. We are continuing to closely monitor QMRO performance in the meantime and will provide a further update at 17:00 on the 25/2.

25/2/2025 17:00: Access has been restored however intermittent performance issues may still be encountered. We are continuing to closely monitor QMRO performance in the meantime and will provide a further update at 17:00 on the 26/2.

26/2/2025 17:00: Access has been restored and we are continuing to closely monitor QMRO performance. A further update will be provided at 17:00 on the 27/2.

28/2/2025 14:30: We are continuing to work on resolving the ongoing performance issues with QMRO. As a temporary measure, access to the website has been restricted to internal (university) users only. External access is currently disabled.  We will provide further updates as the situation progresses. The next update will be on Monday.