Now showing items 1-10 of 346
Organising black and minority ethnic workers: trade union strategies for recruitment and inclusion.
(Queen Mary University of London, 2004)
This research explores the challenges that trade unions face in organising workers in southeast
England in the context of union decline and labour market change. It focuses particularly
on what trade unions are doing to ...
Language policy and national identity in Georgia
(Queen Mary University of London, 2012)
Language has been long recognised as a powerful marker of national identity, as has its role in transforming multi-ethnic societies into unified nations. Such is the case of multi-ethnic and multilingual Georgia, where ...
Grown-up toys: aesthetic forms and transitional objects in Vernon Lee's supernatural tales.
(Queen Mary University of London, 2001)
This thesis examines the fantastic tales of the marginalized writer Vernon Lee (Violet
Paget 1856-1935), focusing on such confections as Hauntings: Fantastic Stories (1890),
Pope Jacynth and Other Fantastic Stories (1904), ...
Social Justice and Localities: the Allocation of Council Housing in Tower Hamlets
(Queen Mary University of London, 2004)
This thesis is concerned with social justice in the distribution of social goods from
public institutions. It seeks to determine applicable theoretical perspectives of social
justice suitable for allocating council ...
Framing English as a second language education: a comparative study of policy provision in London and New York
(Queen Mary University of London, 2003)
Against the background of a proliferation of large non-English-speaking ethnic linguistic
communities in Britain and the United States, this thesis examines the provision of
English as a Second Language (ESL) and bilingual ...
Structures of Representation: Metaphor and Mimesis in Jacques Derrida's Glas
(Queen Mary University of London, 2003)
This thesis is an explication of Glas, a text which reflects Derrida's profound respect for the
Hegelian dialectic, a structure in which each part has and knows its place. But Glas also works
to expose a fundamental ...
Large Eddy Simulation of separating flows from curved surfaces
(Queen Mary University of London, 2004)
The capabilities and limitations of LES in predicting separation from curved surfaces
at high Reynolds number are at the centre of this Thesis. Issues of particular interest
are mesh resolution, subgrid-scale modelling ...
Biomechanical effects of patellar taping in subjects with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS).
Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is one of the most common musculoskeletal
disorders affecting adults. Patellar taping provides an effective treatment in
alleviating the symptoms of a high proportion of subjects who ...
Psychological stress and hypnosis in ulcerative colitis.
Previous studies suggest that life events and chronic stress increase the risk of
relapse in inflammatory bowel disease. Furthermore, experimental stress has been shown
to worsen inflammation in animal models of colitis. ...
"In this moment of alarm and peril": Female Education, Religion and Politics In the Late Eighteenth Century, With special reference to Catharine Macaulay and Hannah More
(Queen Mary University of London, 2003)
Catharine Macaulay and Hannah More are conventionally represented as
ideological opposites. Through an analysis which centres on their writings, this
thesis critically examines that representation, and more broadly ...