Now showing items 1-3 of 21240
International economic law and the digital divide : a new silk road?
(Queen Mary University of London, 2012)
The failure of the trade negotiations at Seattle, and the collapse of the negotiations at Doha
have bought increased attention to the issue of development, aid, and the implementation of
special and differential rights ...
Who joins a UK right to die society and why? : a study of members of Friends at the End (FATE)
(Queen Mary University of London, 2012)
The thesis presents quantitative and qualitative thematic analyses of a postal survey
and interview study of members of Friends at the End (FATE), a Glasgow-based right
to die society. This is one of the first UK studies ...
Language policy and national identity in Georgia
(Queen Mary University of London, 2012)
Language has been long recognised as a powerful marker of national identity, as has its role in transforming multi-ethnic societies into unified nations. Such is the case of multi-ethnic and multilingual Georgia, where ...