Now showing items 1-10 of 1511
Black violence and the politics of representation: selected readings in the twentieth century American novel
(Queen Mary University of London, 2004)
This thesis argues that the representation of black violence in the twentieth
century American novel is shaped by two principal rhetorical strategies, which I term
denial and demonisation. Denial refers to modes of ...
A prospective study of electrophysiological and behavioural measures of cognitive function in patients with epilepsy
(Queen Mary University of London, 2004)
The aim of this thesis was firstly, to prospectively examine cognitive function
in relation to epilepsy, with event-related potential (ERP) and neuropsychological
assessments, over a one year period. Secondly, to ...
The Fightback of the Traditional Right in the Labour Party 1979 to 1987
(Queen Mary University of London, 2004)
The Labour Party, having lost the General Election in 1979 after the Winter of
Discontent,d escendedin to internalt urmoil, ast he Left-dominatedN ational Executive
Committee( NEC) and conferences oughtr evengeo n the ...
"Both diligent and secret": the intelligence letters of William Herle
(Queen Mary University of London, 2004)
The unpublished letters of William Herle, diplomat and intelligencer to the
court of Elizabeth I reveal startling insights into the role of such agents in
political affairs. As well as their more obvious content of ...
Petroleum Arbitration: Applicable Law and Appropriate Arbitral Forum (A Study of Petroleum Disputes in Arab Countries)
(Queen Mary University of London, 2004)
Petroleum maintains a primary role in the world energy market as well as in
the daily life and livelihood of Arab petroleum countries, since these countries are
highly dependent upon revenues from the exploitation and ...
Organising black and minority ethnic workers: trade union strategies for recruitment and inclusion.
(Queen Mary University of London, 2004)
This research explores the challenges that trade unions face in organising workers in southeast
England in the context of union decline and labour market change. It focuses particularly
on what trade unions are doing to ...
The Union of Regeneration: the Anti-Bolshevik Underground in Revolutionary Russia, 1917-1919
(Queen Mary University of London, 2004)
The Union of Regeneration has been chosen as the main focal point of this thesis, a
study of underground political organisations in revolutionary Russia who came about
as a result of fragmentation of Russia's major ...
The Development and Evaluation of Novel Reagents for Pre-Targeted Radioimmunotherapy
(Queen Mary University of London, 2004)
In a pretargeting radioimmunotherapy system, monoclonal antibodies (MAbs)
derivatised with a high affinity streptavidin receptor are used in a localisation step.
Once tumour localisation has taken place and active or ...
Shell-shock in First World War Britain: an intellectual and medical history, c.1860-c.1920
Historians have identified shell-shock, a contemporary umbrella term for the range
of nervous and mental afflictions suffered by soldiers in the First World War, as a
key episode in the transition to modern psychological ...
Sisters to Scheherazade: Revisioned Histories of Gender and Nation in Postcolonial African and Asian Women's Literature
Traversing geographical boundaries and cultural locations, and using a comparative, crosscultural
framework, this thesis examines and critiques a selected range of women's
writings from postcolonial Africa and Asia. It ...