Now showing items 61-70 of 1114
Implementation of a nurse-led behaviour change intervention to support medication taking in type 2 diabetes: beyond hypothesised active ingredients (SAMS Consultation Study).Implementation of a nurse-led behaviour change intervention to support medication taking in type 2 diabetes: beyond hypothesised active ingredients (SAMS Consultation Study).
BACKGROUND: Implementation of trial interventions is rarely assessed, despite its effects on findings. We assessed the implementation of a nurse-led intervention to facilitate medication adherence in type 2 diabetes (SAMS) ...
A modified occlusal wafer for managing partially dentate orthognathic patients--a case series.
A multidisciplinary approach is essential in orthognathic surgery to achieve stable and successful outcomes. The model surgery planning is an important aspect in achieving the desired aims. An occlusal wafer used at the ...
Ingestion of an orthodontic archwire resulting in a perforated bowel: A case report.
Accidentally, ingesting components of an orthodontic appliance can result in serious consequences for the patient. This paper presents one such complication, not previously reported, where the patient needed emergency ...
Relationship between human intestinal dendritic cells, gut microbiota, and disease activity in Crohn's disease.
BACKGROUND: Altered intestinal dendritic cell (DC) function underlies dysregulated T-cell responses to bacteria in Crohn's disease (CD) but it is unclear whether composition of the intestinal microbiota impacts local DC ...
Hepatic safety of maraviroc in HIV-1-infected patients with hepatitis C and/or B co-infection. The Maraviroc Cohort Spanish Group.
INTRODUCTION: Limited data is available regarding the hepatic safety of maraviroc in patients co-infected with HIV and HCV and/or HBV. Our objective was to compare the hepatic safety profile and fibrosis progression in ...
Prevalence of face recognition deficits in middle childhood.
Approximately 2-2.5% of the adult population is believed to show severe difficulties with face recognition, in the absence of any neurological injury-a condition known as developmental prosopagnosia (DP). However, to date ...
An in-depth cognitive examination of individuals with superior face recognition skills.
Previous work has reported the existence of "super-recognisers" (SRs), or individuals with extraordinary face recognition skills. However, the precise underpinnings of this ability have not yet been investigated. In this ...
Eye-movement strategies in developmental prosopagnosia and "super" face recognition.
Developmental prosopagnosia (DP) is a cognitive condition characterized by a severe deficit in face recognition. Few investigations have examined whether impairments at the early stages of processing may underpin the ...
Oxytocin increases bias, but not accuracy, in face recognition line-ups.
Previous work indicates that intranasal inhalation of oxytocin improves face recognition skills, raising the possibility that it may be used in security settings. However, it is unclear whether oxytocin directly acts upon ...