Now showing items 61-70 of 42731
"A Symbol of the New African": Drum magazine, popular culture and the formation of black urban subjectivity in 1950s South Africa.
(Queen Mary University of London, 2003)
This thesis examines the emergence of black urban subjectivity in South Africa
during the 1950s, focussing on the ways in which popular American genres were
utilised in the construction of black urban identities that ...
The Combined Finite/Discrete Element Method in Transient Dynamics of Reinforced Concrete Structures under Blast Loading
(Queen Mary University of London, 2004)
The research here presented has employed the newly evolved finite-discrete element
method in the development of novel numerical solutions for the analysis of failure and
collapse of reinforced concrete structures under ...
Studies of Spanish influenza and encephalitis lethargica.
(Queen Mary University of London, 2003)
Concomitant with the Spanish influenza and extending to the 1920s encephalitis
lethargica (EL), also termed von Economo's disease or sleepy sickness, occurred in
epidemic proportion. A previous epidemic of encephalitis ...
Highly efficient low-level feature extraction for video representation and retrieval.
(Queen Mary University of London, 2004)
Witnessing the omnipresence of digital video media, the research community has
raised the question of its meaningful use and management. Stored in immense
multimedia databases, digital videos need to be retrieved and ...
Investigation into the role of annexin 1 in the microcirculation of annexin 1 knockout mice
(Queen Mary University of London, 2005)
Glucocorticoids are used therapeutically for their anti-inflammatory and
immunosuppressive actions. One of the ways they produce their potent effects is via
regulation of the anti-inflammatory protein Annexin I (ANX-AI; ...
Non-Intrusive Measurement in Packet Networks and its Applications
(Queen Mary University of London, 2004)
Network measurementis becoming increasingly important as a meanst o assesst he performanceo f
packet networks. Network performance can involve different aspects such as availability, link
failure detection etc, but in ...
Slide deck with advocacy themes, without template
Slide deck with advocacy...
Psychological stress and hypnosis in ulcerative colitis.
Previous studies suggest that life events and chronic stress increase the risk of
relapse in inflammatory bowel disease. Furthermore, experimental stress has been shown
to worsen inflammation in animal models of colitis. ...
The Recent History of Platelets in Thrombosis and Other Disorders
(Wellcome Witnesses to Twentieth Century Medicine, 2005-07-29)
The recent history of research on platelets and its applications in medicine started with the introduction of ex vivo methods for studying platelet behaviour. The Witness Seminar held on 25 November 2003, chaired by Professor ...
Prenatal Corticosteroids for Reducing Morbidity and mortality after Preterm Birth
(Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL, 2005-12-20)
In 1959 the New Zealand obstetrician Graham (Mont) Liggins began investigating mechanisms that triggered premature labour. Supported by the Wellcome Trust, he examined the effects of hormones on labour in sheep, and ...