Now showing items 42141-42150 of 42726
Examining the heterogeneity inexcess risks of coronary heart disease, stroke, dialysis, and lower extremity amputation associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus across demographic subgroups in an Asian population: A population-based matched cohort study.
(Elsevier B.V., 2021-01)
AIMS: To examine whether the excess risks of coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, dialysis, and lower extremity amputation (LEA) associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) differ across age, sex, and ethnicity in ...
Genetic-Guided Pharmacotherapy for Atrial Fibrillation: A Systematic and Critical Review of Economic Evaluations.
(Elsevier Inc., 2022-03)
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to examine the extent and quality of evidence from economic evaluations (EEs) of genetic-guided pharmacotherapy (PGx) for atrial fibrillation (AF) and to identify variables influential in ...
Family lexicon: Using language models to encode memories of personally familiar and famous people and places in the brain.
Knowledge about personally familiar people and places is extremely rich and varied, involving pieces of semantic information connected in unpredictable ways through past autobiographical memories. In this work, we investigate ...
A Comparison of the Content and Consistency of Methodological Quality and Transferability Checklists for Reviewing Model-Based Economic Evaluations.
(Springer Nature, 2022-10)
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to examine whether and how the content of six checklists (Caro, Consensus on Health Economic Criteria [CHEC]-Extended, European Network of Health Economic Databases [EURONHEED], National ...
Polysemy through the lens of psycholinguistic variables: a dataset and an evaluation of static and contextualized language models
Polysemes are words that can have different senses depending on the context of utterance: for instance, ‘newspaper’ can refer to an organization (as in ‘manage the newspaper’) or to an object (as in ‘open the newspaper’). ...
Predictors of care home resident conveyance to hospital or referral to community pathways by a regional ambulance service attending medical emergencies: a retrospective cross sectional study.
(Springer Nature, 2024-11-27)
BACKGROUND: Care home residents are at higher risk compared with community dwelling elders for medical emergencies, often resulting in ambulance attendance and conveyance to hospital. We aimed to determine the factors ...
Achieving child-centred care for children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions-a qualitative interview study.
(Springer Nature, 2022-08-12)
UNLABELLED: This study aims to identify the symptoms, concerns, and care priorities of children with life-limiting conditions and their families. A semi-structured qualitative interview study was conducted, seeking ...
Influence of CReatine Supplementation on mUScle Mass and Strength After Stroke (ICaRUS Stroke Trial): A Randomized Controlled Trial.
(MDPI, 2024-11-29)
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The acute phase of stroke is marked by inflammation and mobility changes that can compromise nutritional status. This study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial evaluating the ...
A non-randomised feasibility study of the Rehabilitation Potential Assessment Tool (RePAT) in frail older people in the acute healthcare setting.
(Springer Nature, 2022-10-07)
BACKGROUND: Rehabilitation potential involves predicting who will benefit from rehabilitation. Decisions about rehabilitation potential must take into account personal, clinical and contextual factors, a process which is ...