Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Morale of mental health professionals in Community Mental Health Services of a Northern Italian Province.
AIMS: To explore morale of psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses working in Community Mental Health Centres (CMHC) in an Italian Province, and identify influential factors. METHODS: Thirty psychiatrists and 30 nurses working ...
Professional-patient communication in the treatment of mental illness: a review.
The quality of the professional-patient relationship in the treatment of mental illness predicts patient outcome. Hence, we conducted a review of recorded professional-patient communication to identify existing research, ...
[Comparison of socio-demographic characteristics of patients with PTSD in the four countries of former Yugoslavia following the war].
OBJECTIVE: To determine the socio-demographic characteristics of survivors who presented for treatment in therapeutic centers in the four Balkan countries involved in the study by summarizing the results of STOP study ...
Community mental health care in Europe--an overview.
Europe shares some historical roots of modern psychiatry. Even before the 19th century, there had been institutions for the mentally ill, such as the Bethlem in London which was founded more than 750 years ago, and organised ...
The impact of routine outcome measurement on treatment processes in community mental health care: approach and methods of the MECCA study.
Three issues characterise the background to the MECCA study: A) Throughout Europe, most patients with severe forms of psychotic disorders are cared for in the community. The challenge now is to make processes in community ...